One Step At A Time
January 20, 2025
Are you facing something at this very moment which feels like an unwelcome ending?
After a reasonable amount of angst and perhaps even some tears, can you shift your viewpoint just a bit, to the left or right, or toward the heavens, so a tiny sparkle might glint through a crevice in your current story?
A deep breath and a cuppa might be in order too.
Some years ago, I had good reason to believe I was not gifted to do much of anything, and maybe you have heard my story, but I want to share it again. The truth is the voice of my Lord gave me a new direction in my life in which I am still immersing in my soul.
I was sitting in a ministers conference in Tampa, Florida in which I thought I was listening to the minister teaching about the Great Awakenings when suddenly the Holy Spirit interrupted my listening as He spoke very gently to my soul, “I want you to go into painting.”
I immediately spoke silently to Him, “I can’t do that; I’m too busy traveling, ministering, overseeing an international ministry. Besides that, God, the supplies is very expensive and I just can’t wrap my mind around that right now. Why do You want me to go into painting?
Again, very gently He spoke, “I want You to paint the Redemptive Covenants.”
“Why?” I asked.
“So My people will know where I have brought them from.”
I wepted, not knowing how I was going to do that. Yet, one thing I have learned is the Lord God never asked you to do anything that He doesn’t give you the ability to do.
It took me almost 12 years to complete that assignment from the LORD! During that time I was still traveling, teaching, and trying to paint in my busy schedule. Then one day the Lord said, “You can’t paint, unless you are in the studio.” I knew then I had to stop traveling and change my life’s direction in order to complete this assignment. I did, and I am so glad I did. It has been my joy to share the Redemptive Covenants of God through oil painting. Now, I continue to write, journal, oil paint and watercolor, too. Life is so good!
I am preparing to teach writing and journaling through ecourses, so watch for that Update, and I hope you will join me! I also will be publishing another book entitled, The Redemptive Covenants of God as I share my experience of how God instructed me to complete this assignment. I had the joy of sharing my art pieces at the Fort Worh, Texas Christian Art Musuem September 2024, and I had a two-day Open Studio the first weekend December 2024. I sold several art prints, notecards, and originals.
Can I encourage you to let your God-given gifts be used for His glory and to bless others?
Do you yearn to write for God? Do you journal? It can be so inspiring and yet you are logging in memories for your past. Just think! You are writing your story! Your story matters! Next post I will explain why your story matters. Hope you join me!
Happy Writing!