Begin at the Beginning
January 6, 2025
It all begins with an idea!
And sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. Sometimes our thoughts don’t come as quickly as we would like when we are writing, journaling, or painting. I am often called “the scribe”, yet my mind tells me differently. Does yours? My mind tells me I can’t write. I can’t paint. I can’t; I can’t…whatever! I can’t do those things which I believe God has called me to do; those things which bring creative expression and blessings to others. I choose not to listen to my mind, but the leading and direction of Holy Spirit guiding me. I will write! I willl paint! I will journal! Be all you were created to be!
I want to extend a personal invitation to you into the path of being a scribe. Journaling is a strategic tool which has been used throughout the generations as a means of capturing and retaining special moments, special thoughts, special prayers, and special revelations in a personal matter, and sometimes I add a small drawing, or painting beside my words.
I am all about “words and watercolor”. Our words are so important. I did not realize this until of late that I desire to do watercolor. I have always painted with oil, or acrylic. As of this year, I will pursue the direction God is leading to incorporate watercolor in my journaling. Can’t wait to see how this works out and I will be sharing this experience with you!
How about you? Has He called you to write, to paint, to journal?
As I begin this journey, I invite you to join me as I instruct you in the possibilities of becoming the next #1 Best Seller for your book. Watch for the details! Until then. . .
Be Blessed,