Hi! I’m Peg
I 'm a mama, a grandma, a Mimi to my great-grandchildren, a published author, a traditional and digital artist, and a biblical teacher nestled in my small log cabin in the woods of north central Texas. I love to grow flowers, explore nature and snuggle my grandkids, and great-grandkids as often as possible. I have a passion for sharing what I know and inspiring others to follow their own big dreams.
eCourses Available
Unlock Your Writing Potential Today
Welcome to your writing journey where creativity meets strategy. I have a passion to encourage people to write, journal, paint, and grow spiritually with their Creator, Almighty God. As you navigate the ever-changing landscape of your life my prayer is you will take a giant step into your dreams and desires to become a published author turning possibilities into powerful results!
Learn more about “ANYBODY CAN WRITE” eCourse and so much more!